EAI Edge-IoT 2021 will host a session for short papers (6-11 pages) to be presented as posters. Poster presentations are best suited to research in progress, emerging research challenges, future directions, and novel approaches which are as yet insufficient for a regular Edge-IoT paper submission.
- Architectures, techniques, and applications of intelligent edge/fog processing for the IoT;
- Advanced machine learning and intelligent edge/fog processing for the IoT;
- Federated IoT Edge Computing in Cyber-Physical Systems;
- Security, privacy, integrity, and trust in edge/fog computing
- Quality of Service, energy efficiency in edge/fog computing;
- Security and privacy in edge/fog computing;
- AI-enabled edge and fog computing architectures, frameworks, and protocols for IoT;
- Advanced edge/fog signal processing for the IoT;
- Cognitive IoT and edge/fog intelligence;
- Energy-awareness and sustainability at the edge/fog: metrics and measurements;
- Energy and security-aware edge/fog computing solutions for the IoT;
- Development of intelligent edge/fog computing platforms;
- Intelligent and network-aware edge/fog applications;
- Edge solutions towards 5G integration;
- Smart applications of edge/fog computing: Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Digital Twins, etc;
- EdgeAI and machine learning at the edge;
- Novel applications, and case studies with edge and fog computing for IoT;
- Hardware design and prototyping for edge intelligence and computing for IoT;
- Green IoT and EdgeAI convergence;
- Sustainable AI at the edge;
- IoT and Edge Oriented Software Development Processes and Quality Metrics.
All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).
Important dates
Full Paper Submission deadline: 15 September 2021 3 October 2021 (extended)
Notification deadline: 15 October 2021 17 October 2021 (extended)
Camera Readydeadline: 7 November 2021